A new update has just improved Telegram even more, increasing the margin of this app other rivals like WhatsApp. In this update come 6 new services starting from the download manager and an updated dark mode.
Download Manager
Telegram users can now send up to 2GB of files and access them on different devices. When the files are being downloaded, a new icon will appear in the Search Bar, Download Manager, where you can check the list of documents you are downloading.
Attachment New menu

When you upload some photos or videos, click at the top of the panel to see what the album will look like when uploaded. If you do not like the alignment, you can change it or delete the selected media.
Semi-transparent interface on Android
In Night Mode, panels have a transparency effect, letting different colors appear in the upper panel space as you swipe through your chat.
Redesigned registration space

On Android and macOS, the way you sign up has been refreshed with new animations.
Phone Number Links
Each Telegram user can create a unique username from the Settings panel, making it easier for your friends to contact you by searching for this username without having to share your phone number.
Live broadcast with other applications
Various bands and channels already support live video broadcast with unlimited number of followers. This service greatly helps bloggers and journalists who use Telegram Live Streams services to reach their audience.